quarta-feira, 31 de julho de 2013

segunda-feira, 29 de julho de 2013


"AM" será lançado em Setembro.

There There

(...) doesn't mean it's there...


"Time Wasting Experiment" por Alyson Provax.

Human Behaviour



"Behind a Little House" por Manuel Cosentino.

Hell is Around the [corner] Glory Box


domingo, 28 de julho de 2013

sábado, 27 de julho de 2013


Kill For Love

In my mind I was waiting for change
While the world just stayed the same
Everybody's got a secret to hide
Everyone is slipping backwards.


I'm Not The Loving Kind

* sou sim, meu querido.


sexta-feira, 26 de julho de 2013

quinta-feira, 25 de julho de 2013

Wild Swans


you're a beast, she said
your big white belly
and those hairy feet.
you never cut your nails
and you have fat hands
paws like a cat
your bright red nose
and the biggest balls
I've ever seen,
you shoot sperm like a 
whale shoots water out of the
hole in its back.

beast beast beast,
she kissed me,
what do you want for

"Love is a Dog from Hell",
Charles Bukowski.

She Will Always Be A Broken Girl

Hush child, don't make a sound.

segunda-feira, 22 de julho de 2013


Thom Yorke has a knack for knocking the air out of one’s lungs

"Street Spirit is out purest song, but I didn't write it...it wrote itself. We were just its messengers...Its biological catylysts. It's core is a complete mystery to me...and (pause) you know, I wouldn't ever try to write something that hopeless...All of our saddest song have somewhere in them at least a glimmer of resolve...Street Spirit has no resolve...it is the dark tunnel without the light at the end. It represents all tragic emotion that is so hurtful that the sound of that melody is its only definition. We all have a way of dealing with that song...It's called detachment...Especially me...I detach my emotional radar from that song, or I couldn't play it...I'd crack. I'd break down on stage...that's why its lyrics are just a bunch of mini-stories or visual images as opposed to a cohesive explanation of it's meaning...I used images set to the music that I thought would convey the emotional entirety of the lyric and music working together. That's what's meant by 'all these things are one to swallow whole'...I meant the emotional entirety, because I didn't have it in me to articulate the emotion (pause) I'd crack...Our fans are braver than I to let that song penetrate them, or maybe they don't realize what they're listening to...They don't realize that Street Spirit is about staring the fucking devil right in the eyes...and knowing, no matter what the hell you do, he'll get the last laugh...and it's real...and true. The devil really will get the last laugh in all cases without exception, and if I let myself think about that to long, I'd crack. I can't believe we have fans that can deal emotionally with that song...That's why I'm convinced that they don't know what it's about. It's why we play it towards the end of our sets. It drains me, and it shakes me, and hurts like hell everytime I play it, looking out at thousands of people cheering and smiling, oblivious to the tragedy of it's meaning, like when you're going to have your dog put down and it's wagging it's tail on the way there. That's what they all look like, and it breaks my heart.

I wish that song hadn't picked us as its catalysts, and so I don't claim it. It asks too much (very long pause). I didn't write that song."

Always For You

And all the pieces that remain
They will build a place for us to stay...


Enterlude | When You Were Young

We hope you enjoy your stay
It's good to have you with us
Even if it's just for the day.

We hope you enjoy your stay
Outside the sun is shining
It seems like heaven ain't far away.

It's good to have you with us
Even if it's just for the day.


por Deb Schwedhelm.

domingo, 21 de julho de 2013

quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2013

Take This Waltz



Lover's Cave

IS TROPICAL- "Lover's Cave" (2013)
from Richard Kern on Vimeo.


Fugitive Air


Castles In The Snow

You're my favorite daydream
I'm your famous nightmare
Everything I see looks like gold
Everything I touch goes cold


terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2013

segunda-feira, 15 de julho de 2013



Dissolve Me

She makes the sound, the sound the sea makes to calm me down...




love illumination


por Sveta April O'Neil.


Really too late to call,
So we wait for morning
To wake you is all we got
To know me as hardly golden
Is to know me all wrong, they warn...

sexta-feira, 12 de julho de 2013


por Harley Weir.





No Diggity

By no means average
As long as she's got to have it
Baby, you're a perfect ten

quarta-feira, 10 de julho de 2013