quarta-feira, 30 de junho de 2010

Mr. James Murphy

"...I was mostly spending my time being into Yes. I was pretty dedicated. Like, "I'm into Yes." But I was just always really into music. Really into sounds. Trying to make my stereo louder somehow. I consider getting into what I would call "my" music around Talking Heads' 77, Violent Femmes' Violent Femmes, the first Clash record. The B-52s, the Police-- I really liked the Police. Ghost in the Machine was a pretty big record so I was liking them up through that, Synchronicity was like too pop in a weird way. Clark Kent, OMD, the first Ministry records-- the very first Ministry new wave stuff. New Order, Joy Division, this was around eighth grade. The first Sisters of Mercy twelves I really, really liked."
"But now kids buy shit. They really buy shit. Kids buy designer stuff. So you're being constantly pounded by marketing. And if you want to be a rebel, well, there's rebel clothing companies. There's rebel stick-on tattoos. You can get a rebel skateboard. You just pick your rebel mode and there's a whole online shopping network that you can be a part of. So kids may look punk or feel punk, but what they're kind of doing is the same as like, being really swept up in high school sports or something. But when I was a kid, you didn't know. I was like, "I guess Kraftwerk is punk?" I remember I got Sex Pistols, Kraftwerk's Computer World and Venom on the same day. And I thought it was all punk. It was just everything that was weird. Everything that wasn't Bruce Springsteen-- who turns out to be a lot punker than I thought at the time".
"So I just think it takes a couple decades to kind of clear your brain now. So it makes more sense to me that I could find my footing when I was 30 instead of when I was 19. It seems a little more clear. You know, novelists are older now. Things are happening later in people's lives. They're kind of living lives and then creating things about the lives they've lived. Rather than being an artiste at an early age and coming out with a ball of fire. That energy has been co-opted because you haven't immunized yourself yet against media. It's easier to get swept up things then take a couple of years to get over your, like, indie rock hangover. I'm scraping the fucking Quarterstick Records crust out of my eyes when I'm like, 27. You know, "Why am I playing in 5/7? How is that fun?""
"I'm not afraid to show my hand. I'm old. I'm not going to pretend that rock was invented by me or us. I think if you're working with a persona-type rock vibe where you're like, "I'm feeling it! This is who I am! We share feelings together!" then it has to have all this realness to it. And so what you can't show is that you might have actually ripped that bassline from a Joy Division song, because then what are you real about? You know, what's going on here? You're not supposed to be self-conscious. You're supposed to be lost in the rock zeitgest. But if that's not what you're interested in, then it's kind of liberating."
"There's all this anxiety that people are going to "catch" you. No one wants to get called out for being derivative or something. It's like, we're all making rock. No one's reinventing the wheel over here. If anything, the balance is struck by not worrying too much about it. So I'm spending my energy trying to make a good song rather than spending my energy trying to cover my tracks."

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